Beavers Cubs Explorers News Scouts

Restart a Heart Day 2018

As part of the nationwide Restart a Heart day the Group partnered with both the St Johns Ambulance and the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service to run a special evening where all the young people (some leaders and parents too!) learnt all about resuscitation, CPR, how to help others and key Life Saving skills.  43 members from all sections covering our youngest 6 year old Beaver scouts right through to our Older Explorer Scouts took an active hands on role in the evening.  It was fanstastic to see all sections in the same place working together.
Special thanks have to go to Sheila and her team – James, TA and Shan all from St Johns Ambulance and the Two Dominics from NIAS, all of whom were in a packed noisy hall on a tuesday evening sharing their knowledge along with our own merry band of Leaders who added another evening to their volunteering with enthusiasm and smiles.  It was a great event, hoepfully to be repeated again nex year.
All participants gained Certifcated showing their achievements.